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Causes Of Hair Loss & Treatment For Women

 Are You Having Loss Or Your Hair line Is Breaking too Much When Combing? This Treatment Is For You.

When you talk about genetic hair loss most people think about the most common form of hair loss: male-pattern baldness. This is the type of hair loss that is passed on genetically to offspring from their mothers. Most often the recipients of this type of hair loss are men, but sometimes the gene can result in female hair loss. Now we look in the case of women as this draws to women's attention.

 Hair shedding is part of a natural balance — some hairs fall out while others grow in. When the balance is interrupted — hair falls out and less hair grows in — hair loss happens. Hair loss is different than hair shedding. The medical term for hair loss is “Alopecia areata- .” continue to read below...

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1. Genetic baldness in women images From ( google)  

While genetic baldness in men is identified by a receding hairline or balding crown, genetic hair loss in women is a bit different. In most cases, a woman will not lose her hair in spots only but will thin out evenly throughout the head. Sometimes, this thinning can be quite severe and result in the woman having to wear a wig to cover up her thinning tresses. While female hair loss almost never results in a completely bald head, it can be extreme enough to expose the scalp quite plainly.

For the woman facing this type of hair loss, there are a few hair loss treatment options that can be explored. They include shampoos, conditioners and topical and locerin treatment, such as Rogaine for women, which stimulate hair growth and prevent further hair loss; vitamin supplements; and stimulatory treatments such as massage and infra-red therapy. The most successful of these hair loss treatments in the market today are the... Continue right here to the best hair loss treatment

2. Hair loss due to chemical processes

No matter how healthy and strong your hair is today, you could experience severe hair loss after undergoing a harsh chemical process such as a perm or color. 

While almost all chemical hair fallout is due to operator error, the chance of it occurring is multiplied by chemical services that you perform on your hair at home. I've seen more than one case of female hair loss in clients who have bleached their hair at home, colored it over and then came to the salon for yet another bleaching. Not knowing this past history, the stylist used too strong chemical, and the process resulted in hair loss.

Since most of these cases do not result in complete hair loss, the hair loss treatment options include protein treatments and other conditioning treatments to strengthen the remaining hair; a good hair cut that will remove most of the damage; and a gentle hair-care routine that will minimize further hair loss due to breakage. You should also refrain from using thermal styling tools and undergoing any further chemical procedures until the hair is completely grown out.

3. Hair loss due to stress

Cases of severe stress can literally cause handfuls of hair loss at a time. Women experiencing stressful conditions can experience female hair loss represented by thinning all over the head or in spots called alopecia areata. 

4. Alopecia Areata On Hair Loss

Alopecia areata.. IMages (Google )

"Hair loss in spots or areas," and can result in bald circular patches on one or more spots of the scalp just like No.( 4) a picture is displayed to you below. While this type of hair loss is alarming, it is not permanent. After the stress is removed, most sufferers of this type of hair loss regrow all of the hair that they lost.

In most cases, the hair loss treatment for stress-related hair loss is minimal. After ruling out other causes of hair loss, your doctor will likely recommend changes in your diet or ideas to help alleviate your stress. Keep in mind that it can take months for your hair to grow back even after the stressors have been eliminated.

What causes alopecia areata? 

Current proof recommends that alopecia areata is brought about by an abnormality in the immune system that harms hair follicles. This specific anomaly prompts autoimmunity, a misinformed resistant framework that will in general assault its own body. 

Accordingly, the immune system attacks  specific tissues of the body. In alopecia areata, for obscure reasons, the body's own invulnerable immune system attacks the hair follicles and upsets ordinary hair development. Biopsies of affected skin show safe lymphocytes entering into the hair bulb of the hair follicles.

How to cure alopecia?

There is currently no cure for alopecia areata, although there are some forms of treatment that can be suggested by doctors to help hair re-grow more quickly. The most common form of alopecia areata treatment is the use of corticosteroids, powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that can suppress the immune system.

5. Hair loss due to illness

Any type of extended illness or surgery can result in hair loss. Medications taken to combat certain types of illnesses can also cause your hair to become brittle and break or fall out altogether. The most identifiable type of hair loss is the loss associated with chemotherapy treatments. In most cases, this hair loss is complete and affects all areas of the body.

While there is little that can be done to prevent this type of hair loss or promote growth during illness, surgery or chemotherapy treatments, this type of female hair loss is also temporary. In most cases, full recovery of hair is made after the illness is over.

You can promote hair growth after the illness by getting regular trims and using growth enhancing shampoos and conditioners. Vitamin supplements may also be beneficial.

6. Hormones also can have an effect 

If a women's thyroid gland is very active, it might result in temporary hair loss. This is just one of the many hormonal problems that may occur. This form can be helped with treating the disease. Hair loss can also happen if the woman's hormones are out of balance.

Hair loss in a woman may occur about 3 months after you give birth. This results because of the hormonal factor, since during pregnancy the hormones help you to keep hair you would normally lose. When the hormones return to the normal levels of before pregnancy, the hair that wouldn't fall out, could now will fall out, and the normal cycle of hair growth and loss will return.

As you may have already guessed, hair loss in women is more common than we might think. And many may be experiencing hair loss and dismiss it as a natural occurrence that comes along with age. A lot of these women fail to seek the necessary hair loss treatment that can help them keep their remaining hair and regrow new hair. 

So, if you are experiencing hair loss, do not think that it is just because you are getting older. There may be something that you can do to keep the hair on your head from clogging your drain.

Women That Are Likely To Experience Hair Loss 
  • Any girl or woman can be affected by hair loss. However, it is usually more common in:
  • Women that are older than 40.
  • Women who have just had babies as state in no. 5, (Hair loss in a woman may occur about 3 months after you give birth.) 
  • Women who have had chemotherapy and those who have been affected by other medications.
  • Women who often have hairstyles that pull on the hair (like tight ponytails or tight braids) or use harsh chemicals on their hair.
  • Menopausal women.

All This Are Said By Most People Who Believe The Listed Here Below Which Appears To BE False

  • You're losing your hair since you all the more cleanser, or on the grounds that you've shaded it's anything but a perm. 
  • Dandruff causes perpetual balding in ladies.
  • In the event that you shave your head, your hair will develop back twice as thick. 
  • On the off potential for success that you have on your head you'll expand flow, animating hair development. 
  • On the off chance that you brush your hair 100 strokes per day that will make your hair better. 
  • Caps and hairpieces cause going bald in ladies. 
  • Balding just influences scholarly ladies.

I will be revealing one of the best hair loss treatment I'll recommend that which you have gone through my article... One hair loss treatment I'll recommend to you is locerin.

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  2. Dandruff causes perpetual.....

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