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Get 40k Whatsapp Status Views To Grow Your Business

Get 40k Active WhatsApp Contact + Status Views To Grow Your Business

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Have you been struggling to get leads for you business?

look no further.

Get 40k Active WhatsApp Contact File That gives you Over 5k to 10k Sales lead to your product fast!!

#whatsapp status views 500

#whatsapp contacts vcf download

 #earn through whatsapp status views

#how to increase whatsapp status views 1000 to 5000

Table of content

1. What is status views on WhatsApp

2. How WhatsApp statuses make money?

3. How WhatsApp statuses make money?

4. Image result for WhatsApp status gain

5. Benefits you will get from the vcf file (Status view)

6. How to use the file

its no dispute that many online/offline businesses world wide tend to pursue what i'll call traffics for sales leads for their businesses from either face to face (offline) and (online) spending so much money running ads online like we all know it's a trend that has been on for many years till date and it pays for the smarts once or at the end of the day they end up getting no sales except from the big company who knows the strategies of driving traffic. 

But do not get me wrong though, you also need to understand that results varies from person (A and B) which means that your friend could make sales successfully running his or her business and you might not or the vice-versa

Well if you don't know, there is a tool right there already placed in your hands that you have been using for a long time now and you don't know you could take advantage of that tool in you hands..  ha hah aha funny it is. 

Surprisingly as it may sound, the name of this tools that i am talking about which you can see on the tittle of this post is called WhatsApp.

i will be revealing to you on how you can use the great tool to your advantage plus giving you the contact file which is placed at the end of this post. 

Go download it.

Oops.. first read to understand it's uses  

What is Status views on WhatsApp?

Everybody knows about whatsapp to be an instrument to sending and receiving messages to each other as fast as possible but in this case we will be talking about gaining status view fast as possible.

Status simply allows you to share text, photo, video, and GIF updates that disappear after 24 hours. In order to send and receive status updates to and from your contacts, it is important that you and your contacts must have each other's phone numbers saved in your phones' address books. 

In this case 

But we are here to talk about how to gain more whatsapp status view for your business.

How WhatsApp statuses make money?

Lets say you run a website, or you have an affiliate link gotten from any affiliate program or a business and you needed many customers, you gain many customer by the number of views you have in your contact list.... Get the (Vcf file below) 

Let me pause you right there!  

It is important to know that your contact list has an impact to the number of views that it may occur in your status view.

This means that supposing you have 442 in your contact list, you make a post in your status which could be anything like videos, GIF, pics or ads, you might end up getting at least 42 to 100 views and out of 100 views, you get about lets say 29 interested views which is very low and too poor

Interesting isn't it?

ok. think about this, lets suppose that you get about 1,000 to 34,000 people in your contact list... Wow!

you know what that mean right?

it means that if you have up to 34,000 contact list, you should have at least 5,000 to 10,000 views in your status view and have about 3,000 interested viewers wanting to learn get your product...  Amazing!

Image result for WhatsApp status gain

As you can see the images as it increases from low views to high numbers of views by implementing the use of a Vcf file that is compiled of 40k contacts.



You earn on every ad you post to your WhatsApp status as long as you get at least 500+ to 10k + views and above on each status post and this way it helps your post to channel your viewers to come wanting to get to know more about you and your products.. 

Easy isn't it?

Benefits you will gain from the vcf file (Status view)

More popularity which will give you More money

You get more sales for your business 

More people get to know about you and your business

You have better opportunities especially if you are self-employed 

You discover new sources of income

How to use the file?

There are two payment options below

First you click on your preferred download option which will then take you to the payment page.
Once payment is done, you get the file immediately! 

 download this vcf contact file,
For the ones in USD payment, the 40k file is selling for a very cheap price for $1 Download button is below

Download App

After downloading the file, you click the downloaded file which will then backup automatically to your google account. The reason is this, Phone or sim-card backup is not suitable for this because once it backsup directly to your sim-card or phone, it ends up getting your phone or sim-card memory full which its memory for both contact storage is very limited.

So it's best you back them up directly to your google account you used to register your phone number that is connected to both your watsapp and google account so they reflect directly to your whatsapp status automatically.

Once you it's done backing up, 

I will give you my sure Text Message format you use to send to them in the Automatic Bulk sender or direct inbox message which can automatically send to about 20,000 contacts reflecting to your whatsapp that have already installed the contact from your google account.

Text Format..

[Hi, I'm [Your Name]. 

Sorry To Disturb Your Dm. 

I'm Also One Of A Contact Vcf File For Gain Staus View You Into. 

i Just updated My WhatsApp contact And I've Save Your Contact

Please Save My Contact So We Both View Our Status b/cos who knows we could help each other To Network in the future.

Thank You... 👌😘]

otherwise make your own format better than that.. remember that your message format determines how you get response.

Do this and watch how a lot of the installed contact you downloaded comes pouring into your Dm's and you don't have to stress yourself saving any of their contact individually because you already have but they will be the one to save yours and it's a must they have to because they are also desperately hungry for status view. 

In two week, you watch as your status views begins to increase each time you make a post.

Very Important: Do ensure that you downloads the file one after the other to enabler smooth backup in order to not cause phone interruption.

Thank you for taking your dedicated time to read this book.

Very Important: Having read this e-book, I strongly  believe that it may help more leads and more money to your business once you follow this steps i have shown to you. Work hard but smart in your business endeavors. Also understand that this is not a get quick rich e-book. 

Result varies which means i make a lot of money does not mean you make the exact same money i make. It all depends on determination, consistency and patience.


Please share and feel free to drop your message and I'll respond ASAP!

Get The 40k Active WhatsApp Contact File For $1 That gives you Over 5k to 10k Sales lead to your product fast!!

Once payment successful, drop me a message / Email attaching your payment proof.  I'll send you the file ASAP!

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