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Ways to last Longer in bed: (premature ejaculation for men)


Men's sexual issues

Any man, whether straight, gay, bisexual, or transgender, can experience sexual issues.

Common sexual issues include the following: 

Erectile dysfunction which refers to a man's inability to achieve or maintain an erection.

Most men go through it at least once in their lives.

This also occurs when a man cums or ejaculates during sex before he intends to.

95 men out of 100 experience this daily, and it has a severe impact on males because the majority of them are afraid to discuss it and are dying in silence.

If your condition is severe, please see a doctor. I'll give you advice on how to handle the matter.


Premature ejaculation has a number of frequent reasons, including:

  • Alcohol abuse 
  • Smoking 
  • Anxiety
  • stress, 
  • Ftigue 
  • Stress
  • Heart condition
  • Diabetes
  • Blood pressure increase
  • Drug
  • Depression
  • Relationship issues and stress

    concern about one's               performance in bed

using drugs for recreation

prostate issues


1. Masturbate before sex

Your body won't be as sensitive to sexual stimulation if you masturbate before sex, according to Marin.

Finding the ideal time to masturbate before sex may need some trial and error. Because it could be challenging to acquire an erection again so soon if you masturbate shortly before intercourse. 

However, if you climax too long before having sex, you can be entirely reset and ejaculate too soon.

In essence, according to Marin, you want to locate that sweet spot where you may reduce stimulation without impairing your sex desire.

2. Try Slowing Down 

If you sense that you are coming near and would like to stay a little longer, try slowing down 

Try to move more slowly, and often take short breaks to move even more slowly, advises Marin. You might be shocked to learn that some partners like slower movement, particularly at the beginning of sex.

It can also be beneficial to be in positions that restrict your mobility, such as having your partner on top of you, as you won't be able to lose control and begin thrusting too quickly.

3. Change Position

If you sense that ejaculation is about to occur, you might try to delay it by altering what you are doing. For instance, you may put down your pen!s and engage in other activities, like kissing, if you were having penetrating sex that is It's necessary to take a brief break and move slowly as you switch positions.

Since there is less stimulation during the transition, your body can cool off and move away from an orgasm, according to Marin.

Positions where you can't reach as deeply, such a spooning posture where you are the "large spoon," may also be helpful.

4. To stop the reflex that causes ejaculation, try taking a few deep breaths. 

5. Distract Yourself 

During sex, take breaks and ponder about anything uninteresting. 

In essence, another option is to distract yourself with other thoughts, including something mundane like what you'll eat for dinner or a movie you saw last week. 

This can help bring your mind away from the pleasurable sensations you're having and may briefly delay ejaculation. 

However, it may also take away from your enjoyment of sex and your intimacy with your partner. You can try and see if this method helps you last longer at certain times, but overall, remember to stay present and connected to your partner during sex. 

6. Use A Condom

Use a thick condom to help decrease sensation therefore delay ejaculation.

7. Reduce the focus on penetration

For a number of reasons, concentrating more on foreplay and less on penetration can make you last longer. One reason is that you'll probably need to take breaks to switch positions or tend to your companion.

Additionally, it allows you the chance to use strategies like the pause-squeeze method.

Additionally, delaying penetrative sex lengthens the buildup to orgasm, much like edging, which can heighten the intensity of the climax.


In my experience,

  1. Masturbate beforehand.
  2. Pick $ex positions that will enable you to endure longer.
  3. Build up the muscles in your pelvic floor.
  4. Wait longer before having sex and, or better yet, refrain altogether. 

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