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What You Need To know Before Starting A Business

What You Need To know Before Starting A Business

Don’t worry you are in the right place here.
Here I’m going to show you what you need to know and how to start one, making
a plan and execute a good business idea.

Successful people you see today in business or whatever success that they have made legally right now, did not just get to where they are today without this Four keys; 

  • Having an ideation

  • A good planning 

  • Having a financial plan and

  • Executing the business planned

 Are you in a business or you about to start one and do you need help on what to do??

We have a lot of people with good ideas about a business they want to do but don't know how to start or where to start and the most common ringing tone they give is the word... I've got no money!
but truth must be told we all need money but this is not the first thing to think about. Oh yes!

The principal thing here is wisdom. Having an idea about a business and financial aspect are two different thing but both gets very well involve with.
Even if you have #1,000000/$3000 without coming up with a good plan and a target, it will be put to loss. 
At the long run you spending more than what you never intended spending and you'd ask yourself why did this happened...blah blah blah!
Successful business men and women are successful today because they know the runs otherwise how to roll their boat! what do i mean?

 This have to do with planning right, executing rightly and understanding it.
You do not need to play dirty before you make it ex. yahoo plus, scamming, killing and the likes of it.
Every business intends doing must be well writing down before taking or venturing into
Which I will be illustrated here bellow 
  . . .

6 steps to take before going into a business

1.  Clarify your business: there is no shame in making money like my mom tells me. first Be sure and be sincere about a business you want to go in for.

 Some ideas to starting a business if you've got non
  • A Plantain Business: get connect with people who are into plantain business no joke!  



  • Hair Making And Hair Barbing Business: Are you a good stylist or a novices and want to start your own hair making and barbing saloon? get yourself well prepared to get yourself  trained up by a professional coach. You can do a self thought and with that been said gradually you see yourself becoming good at it but does mean you won't make mistake in your first step. Once you are sure you have reach a stage that you are good you can start with your brother or friends having their hair cut.
  • A fashion Designer: You can go into clothing line, fashion. have a good crazy ideation about a style you want to do and you must know you have to think deeply about a newly and a refreshing ideas most especially what's trending nowadays. 
  • Making Money To Selling Ideas: You can go into selling your ideas to people. If you’re the kind of person that has amazing ideas but not sure how to put them into action to make some extra cash for yourself.. ...they'll come looking for you.  
  • Gaming Business: This is pretty much very simple. all you need do is buy you a gaming device like the PS5, Xbox, PS3 or PS4 and as many gaming software. Get a shop in a suitable socialize area where there are a lot students and the like. Make sure your devices are 4 for a start and from time to time your business grows. 
  •  Counselling: with this type of business idea, you will need to learn and acquire a lot of knowledge by reading a lot of books make your research, analyses, check the internet, ask question, and having a lot of experience on this field. So many people with wounded heart, broken home, relationships, mental or a psychological problems and so many. People who are gifted or who have this calling with passion gives counselling to people. Read more of books.


You do consistently follow-up and getting in touch with them and have a list of your prospect also distribute your detailed card about you or what you do, you can also create a seminar and selling or recommending aspiring or motivational books/helpful tips knowing and giving them what they need which they'll have to pay for and make sure it is a book you give that is inline with your service you re offering your books. 

But thank God for small channel like YouTube where you can showcase what you are passionate about and you get yourself monetized after which you will need 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers and with that been said you also get paid by ads on your channel, 

                   Well even if it is legally copyrighted so that you wont just be giving or selling out free words to them. Do not bill too much expense on them if you're just a beginner. Keep doing this, your knowledge increases and wisdom. You have to study and a lot experience. Don't go into this if you don't have passion for it!

  • Web designs: Go for a training and get yourself loaded and get to creating seminars and teaching people the use and its benefit, teach them the HTML coded how to CREAT a website. This is a very huge runs. If you have passion for this, why not? you good to go!
you've gotten a business idea you want to do excluding from all this mentioned from the above?
Don't just start a business because of the thought or mentality of get rich quick.
 Doesn't work like that. That's because you need good ideas, planning and what people want. "Don't worry I'll explain that here". In life its a process so as in business its also a processing  too.

Don't do this

Do not go into a business because you see people or your friend are making it. Well truth be told that the world we live in are amidst of people go with the "copy copy cat people trends". This wide spread is very rampant in music, business or any thing that involves monetary aspects even most activities we find ourselves in.

Doesn't go so well. get your original idea. Even if you need tap from them, you can adopt some ideas and change with your own style. 

Don't make coping ideas be too obvious: I believe this is good. 
Do not copy and paste! One day you'd be asked some simple question that you don't even know what it is or how to defend.
Stop the mentality of there is no money in this country or you don't have money or you need money before you start a business.. .ehn! You missing it my friend. You hear someone tell you so, if it was me I'll tell him to shut the hell up. Most people you see begging in the street, not because they can't make it, no! Its because their mind or vision is absolutely blocked! They really need empowerment, motivation and social skill learning. Some people are from a poor family but were not made to be poor in this world and so you have to get up at your feet and go out there to beat that reach! Gonna be tough times but you'll make it through!

2. Spotting your potential difference: its your business and no one else.

  • Make a listing about the problems you are able to foresee and determining both the present and the future.
  • make a markings on the most occurring affected that can cause a threat so as to prevent your business from falling into jeopardy in the future. 
  • Focus on what they need to know. 
  • Your business plan should be able to cover 1 to 3 years. If you are able to achieve something from those years, you might want to start expanding your ideas which is your business then you are good to go. If not, change your strategy. I want you ti know that you have to be creative and making new ideas everyday you know your business needs to be beautiful, neat and attractive but still inline with your business except its no working anymore. Time will come when it seems you are not feeling anything. Don't give up!


3.  Set your goals:

  • what are your visions/mission?

  • What and how do you want your business to look like in 2 to 5, 10 years from now. 

  • Do you want to make it or expanded in different countries or just only were you are located?

  • what result do you want to make attempt to achieve?

  • write down your listing and if you like you can place it on your wall. Well thanks to technology. You can do that in your phone or your laptop. It will help you to grow.

You can also outline your strategy.

4.   Be straight and make sure you have a financial plan: has i have explained earlier on, this is when financial aspect comes in. If you are sure about a business you want to go into, you can start from zero to as much has you know it should work for the business at least for a start you can start with $150 depending on what business. let me blow your mind. Ever met someone who's always had everything work out for them from zero struggle? ...oh yes! You can also start from a little at least for a start. You can take a loan from banks or cooperative. Don't take too much of what you know you can't pay back. You can also borrow from your close pal, family and don't tell yourself that there is no money. Its a lie and don't steal and anything, everything you do must be legal.

5. Make your business plan professional

have a detailed plan of your business and everybody is able to read what you are offering.


6.   Plan on what you want to achieve in 5years to come, how far do you want your business to go or wanna be like?
    This Are What You Need To know Before Starting A Business

  • Having a good idea Spot  

  • A good planning 

  • Having a financial plan and

  • Executing your business plan. 

My conclusion, don't make your long term goal your short term goal!

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I Wish You The Best!!


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