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How to Drive Traffic to Your website Without AdsWords-ShEng

You Are About To Find Out How To Drive Traffic to Your Website Quickly without Using AdWords or Sh Engines Plus The Best Traffic Site No One Is Talking About. But Before We Dive Into that, I'll Give You The Info Inform of A E-book To Download The File.

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But first Lets Walk You Through all You Need To Know About Website Traffics!!

Free and Paid Ways To drive Massive Traffic To Your website

1. Learn from Your Analytics: Analytics enable you to identify which strategies and types of content work, which ones need improvement, and which ones you should not waste your time on.

2. Perform On-Page SEO: Click here to know more about On-page SEO also know as On-site SEO is optimizing content and HTML source code to clearly define what your webpage is and what information it is providing. Some aspects of your webpage that can be optimized include the page title, headers (h1 and h2 tags), URL, text content, meta descriptions, internal links and more

3. Post to Social Media: Social media is a one powerful free marketing tools and plays a role in driving massive traffic to your website and it's organic but it takes a lot time and patience to acquire traffic. Use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote blog posts and other useful pages on your website. This way you can turn your social media followers into website visitors, and draw traffic from their networks if you post shareable content.

4. Build Backlinks: A backlink is basically a link from one website to another. Search engines like Google use backlink as a ranking signal. For Example, when one website links to another site, it means they believe the content is significant. In addition to that, High-quality backlinks can help to increase a site’s ranking position and visibility in search engine results (SEO).

5. Use Landing Pages: Landing pages are another free source of traffic to your website. landing pages are more specific to an offers they want to promote like the affiliate link of a product they want to promote such as for redeeming a discount code, downloading a free guide, or starting a free trial so they'll need a landing pages to do just, examples are... google's own site,, blogger,

6. Start Email Marketing: This is simply Sending out promoting offers regularly through email which is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and can also help to get more traffic to your website. Provide useful information and links to pages on your website where they can learn more, such as through blog posts and landing pages for particular offers.
Gmail/Gmass is a good way to start from that is after which you have already created a landing page or a website where your customers will have to be linked to. GMass is free to send 50 emails per 24 hours. It's very easy to use and you can send email simultaneously
To send more than 50 emails per day up to 10000 and above, you will have to subscribe to a paid plan. Also know you will have to install the Gmass Extension to your Browser Sending of a large email simultaneously is very limited as this can affect your email domain or can be seen as spam and get your email ban or blocked by the authority (Googles Own).

Need i remind you that you have to make sure that you don`t continually bombard your readers with emails or your customers will either disengage with, delete, or unsubscribe from your emails.

Paid Ways to Drive Website Traffic from Google
Google Ads: With Google Ads you are paying to show up your site on the top list of google search that is relevant to your keywords. Google looks at all accounts bidding on those keywords and will display and rank the paid results according to the quality and relevance of the advertisement.
This helps drive relevant traffic to your website from google ads through paid per click.

But before diving into google ads, you have to ensure you make use of Google own tool which is the keyword planner to make research about keywords inline to your title which is the keyword you are using. So that way you will have to know your competition that ranks the top.

Helps you to get on google for free to get your business found on search, Maps & More.Show Up On Google Connect With Customers

Social Media Advertising: While with search advertising, you're paying to appear in the best position for significant searches, with social media promoting you are paying to appear in important feeds. With the two types of promoting, you can determine the sort of audience before which you'd prefer to show up, however with more psychographic information, online media offers superb targeting which makes it fast.

16. Display Advertising
Display ads are branded banner ads that get placed on relevant websites. If you are a fitness business and your ad appears on a webpage about athletic gear, your ad is likely to drive relevant traffic to your site.

17. Retargeting
Retargeting ads can appear on websites or social media feeds. They are placed in front of people who have already visited your site once, and who are therefore more likely to return.

Auto Website Traffic Generators Can Hurt Your Rankings
Google can detect spammy behavior, gets suspicious of spikes in activity, and monitors how users are interacting with your website. Using an automatic traffic bot or generator is likely to attract the wrong kind of attention from Google which will hurt your reputation with them and thus your ranking.

Your Traffic Won’t Be Targeted
The ultimate purpose of getting more visitors to your website and ranking higher on Google is to increase the number of people who interact with (and hopefully become customers of) your business. If your visitors aren’t targeted, they aren’t likely to engage with your website, and you’re more likely to see your lead and conversion rates decline.

Your Site Could Get Banned
If your website is attracting bot traffic, you run the risk of getting blocked from online advertising platforms or, even worse, getting removed from Google. Cheap website traffic is not worth it! Take the time to build up high-quality and sustainable traffic to your site.

As mentioned above, there is no point in getting more traffic to your website if those visitors are not likely to engage with your pages, convert into leads, or become customers. Increasing your website traffic does not happen overnight. It takes effort, but the effort you put in will equate to the quality of the traffic you generate.
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The greatest way individuals have depended on to get traffic has been Google, Yahoo, and other web search tools. Now and again, site proprietors have utilized Google AdWords to get traffic.

Well do you realize you can get traffic without depending on web search tools or AdWords. In spite of the fact that web indexes have been known to convey focused on traffic to a site, there are ways you can get target traffic to your site without utilizing web crawlers and inside this e-book you will also get the best site in the market to drive massive brutal traffic that will convert to any of your site, affiliate... etc.

Click On The Get Instant Access To Download This Free E-book That Reveals How to Drive Traffic To Your Site Or Affiliate link Quickly



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