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SEO: How To Get Targeted Website Traffic Fast

   Before You read anything about SEO or targeted website traffic building, You need to remember it takes time to get free and targeted traffic to your website. You might have heard some X guy getting 1000’s of visitors in its first month. But Do not hasten the process of organic traffic.

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I have also noticed in Many marketing forums How newbies give up in search of building traffic in less than 6 months. Building Long term targeted traffic takes time and dedication towards your website. You need to work towards getting Web site traffic and optimize accordingly.

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In this article, i will be revealing to you how to use Black Hat/backlinklong term SEO building tips that’ll help you build a profitable website and targeted website traffic.

Any website that wants to make money needs to get optimized, and stay that way. Running and SEO campaign once or twice isn't enough in this market: you need to consider long-term maintenance of your SEO.

For Long term planning You do not need to chase search engine algorithms on daily basis. As Search engines improves their algorithms quite often. It’d be waste of time and effort to chase them. Better You can do is understand basic SEO techniques and keep building a powerful resource in your niche.

Some tips for long term SEO

1. Check on your pages regularly and make sure there still listed.

Your listings are the most important part of your SEO work. Whether the page is listed or not is vastly more important than what key words you have etc. After all, if you aren't listed at all what good is it to optimize?

2. Watch for bad links or broken links in your site.

Fix it as soon as possible. Any missing pages should be checked out thoroughly. Chances are that the system has run into a problem, but if you don't check it out you may very easily be wrong. I had one of my blogs PR dropped in matter of 24 hrs.' when I wasn’t checking it. Somehow I recognize my mistake and worked towards building it again. Now My blog got back its PR and traffic.

3. Sitemaps

A sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find, crawl and index all of your website's content. Sitemaps also tells search engines the pages that are more significant. 

Watch video below.. 

How can I generate my Xml sitemap?

How to Create XML Sitemap for WordPress Site ✔️ users and Submit it to Google Search Console

How to Create XML Sitemap for bloggers using BlogSpot ✔️ users and Submit it to Google Search Console

We have four main types of sitemaps:

Out of this four sitemaps is one that is by far most important which is the normal XML.

They are:

Normal XML Sitemap: This is the most common type of sitemap. It’s usually in the form of an XML Sitemap that links to different pages on your website. see above video and how to get your Xml-sitemap

Video Sitemap: Used specifically to help Google understand video content on your page.

News Sitemap: Helps Google find content on sites that are approved for Google News.

Image Sitemap: Helps Google find all of the images hosted on your site.

It is also important that you resubmit your sitemap if you make major changes, but not for anything smaller. It’s better to have a blog giving latest details on minor changes the better.

Now that you understand what sitemap is, lets proceed..

4. Keep submitting your site to the big directories

As spiders use these as a starting point. 

This point is not stressed more often. If you need traffic from MSN and Yahoo, You need to do this. Some directories will provide you low cost listing for a year (sometimes lifetime). Normally they have High PR pages. So it’ll help you a lot.

Besides from Basic SEO techniques You need not to worry a lot about regular fluctuations in your rankings. Though you need to keep an eye on your rankings and try to notice which factors are giving your results.

5. Building link

While we are on building links, You need to work on getting lots of link backs regularly. Be it Link exchange or one way links through submitting articles. Do it regularly. 

Now... Lets talk about building links.

In my experience about site search engine optimization (SEO), link Building is basically activities pointed toward increasing the number and quality of inbound connections (Link) to a webpage ( a webpage that is well active that generates about 400k, 500k to 1 million or billion visitors per month and 100k upwards per/day which is placed and recognized by google & billion searchers (visitors) with the goal of increasing the search engine rankings of that page or website.

It is likewise the way toward setting up important hyperlinks (typically called links) to a website from external link. 

Link building can increase the number of  a high-quality link highlighting to a website, thus improving the probability of the website ranking highly in search searcher results. 

In addition to that, link building is a demonstrated promoting strategy for increasing brand awareness.

We have so many source where you can get a lot traffic from but i will be recommending the sure ones you can use to increase or get targeted traffic to your website using from this high authority website. In this website google have favored them and they still on about 4 to 7 years or thereabout. 

Three website to get traffic without doing any SEO and this method is called parasite SEO it is when you are publishing content on a high authority website like mediumQuora or Pinterest but in this case I won't be mentioning that here because a lot of people have spam those website.

I will be revealing to you three website that google are still rewarding. What you have to do is copy your product content that you want to rank and publish your content on any of this high authority website listed below and once it's been published, google will then track them and place it on search engine where it will generate massive brutal traffic to your website 

It is also very important to write a well catchy content that you know for sure can pull audience. in this high ranking website, they give you an opportunity to create an account like Facebook or lets say medium but (remember i said we are not using that.) where you can write and publish content in their site, using a blackhat/backlink method like you spam on Facebook. eg you post a short content and embed a link behind your content.  and google gets it tracked and push crawlers which is to generate visitors to your main website. 

Even if you are nnot receiving clicks from main google search you will get from this website that is listed below because of its favor and recognition from google.

It takes about a  week or month to start to see sign in your site.... so therefore you'll need a little patience with that

But how?

we are about to find out.


make sure you already have a website or blog that is already set to get traffic to your website,

you then come to this high authority active website that is receiving about almost 1million or billion visitors per/month. 

    Three website are: and

so this is the power of  parasite SEO using a rewarding website from google to rank your own content on google. well this is just my secret on ranking without doing any SEO just using this free blog... amazing isn't it?

Download Now!

6. Watch your competitors and the methods they use. 

You’ll learn a lot by watching and understanding what your competitors does.

7. Keep updated yourself on your niche

 Issue press releases Often if possible. Press releases are not like articles. Make them “news”. This will bring targeted traffic to your site.

8. Update Your articles on regular basis

Most Experts suggest Updating it at least once a week. Write a 500–750 word article and publish it on your site. Go for low traffic keywords which are searched less than 400–500 times a month.

9. You need to know how to analyze your own website

 Though You’ll find lots of articles on Website Optimization but before you go Let me give you a link to one of the software which I use For obtaining High Rankings for my sites. With this Software You’ll be able to spy on your competitors site and If need you can copy his exact methods which helped him gain into top rankings.

This might seem like a lot of work for a small website or company, but you need to do it to help your website grow. If you don't have growth, you have nothing. No business wants to stay where it is forever, and SEO is a good way to get more business and stay in the race.

10. Blogging

One of the biggest ways to get traffic to your website is by blogging. There are two good reasons for blogging:

A) It gives you a chance to express yourself and provide commentary on important issues of the day, and

B) It is a great way to get traffic to your website. When you comment, and you place a link back to your site like we do in Facebook forums (Groups), more than likely your readers will click the link and get to your website. 

Popular blog services like Technorati can deliver great traffic. There are a ton of websites out there that will cater to your industry no matter what it is. Whether you are in IT, business, medical, or otherwise, all you have to do is search your niche blog by entering “niche blogs” in Google or another search engine. The word “niche” will be replaced with whatever your niche is. For example, let’s say your niche is about How To Loose Weight Without Starving Yourself. Just type in the keyword in any search engine and you will see many of them. Go to each blog, register, and submit comments.

 Every time you enter a comment in a blog, and leave your website link, that blog will drive traffic to your website. If you register with many of them, the better chance you will have of getting a ton of traffic to your site. What better way than to establish your own blog and have links on it pointing to your main site. That would really be a boost for you. Send a link about your business blog to your subscriber list and within a short time frame, you will find a lot of traffic going to your main site.

11. Email Marketing

You may not know this but email marketing is one of the best ways to get traffic to your website. Email marketing has been around for many years. In fact, most marketers depend on email marketing to sell their products. Why? Think about it. Let’s say you have a newsletter you send out twice a month. You provide excellent content in each newsletter. Now, let’s suppose you create a product that is in demand. And you place your product on your website for sell. Now, what happens is you include a blurb about that in your newsletter. When you send your newsletter out to your subscriber list, and each subscriber opens your email and read your newsletter, they will read about your product, click on the link and go to your website. Not every subscriber will do this. But if you can get at least 10% response rate, that is a whole lot of traffic. For example, let’s say you have a subscriber list of 100,000 subscribers. 

According to the stats, you get a 10% response rate. This means that 10,000 people opened your email and responded. This also means that 10,000 people clicked on your link and went to your website, which means 10,000 hits in one day. What if you had a 30% response rate response rate, you will be getting 30,000 subscribers to your website. 

These people may see what you have and come back for more. This is possible. As such, you will get consistent traffic to your website. If you do not have any newsletters, nor do you have an  email list that is okay. You can always create a joint venture with a marketer who does have  one. Ask

your friends or those you know go online. Find out if they know any marketer with a huge list. If that is a no go, you can always go to a search engine and type in the keywords “Internet marketers” and see what comes up. You are bound to find a few online. You can also go to newsgroups that feature Internet marketers and see if anyone knows of someone with a big list.

The worst case scenario is that you rent a list from a listing company and have your message sent out that way, along with your product announcement. You will still get responses and traffic to your website. The only problem with this is that you will have to pay for the list. So hopefully, you can make some sales to compensate for what you spend on the list.

Email marketing is no doubt the best if not one of the best ways to market

online and get traffic to your website. 

This is my own experience of tips and strategy that i strongly belive will increase your search engine ranking

In this eBook, you will discover

✔️ How to rank your website content to improve search engine placement,

✔️ SEO secret on the creation and utilization of niche articles to increase traffic,

✔️ How to use press release to increase your ranking at major search engines,

✔️ Information on how to use blogging to attract more visitors using SEO strategy and so much more that i did not explain here.

✔️ The best traffic source no one knows.

Thank you for taking your dedicated time to this post and I believe that it may bring help to what you looking for. Please share and feel free to drop your questions in the comment section below or send me a message and I'll respond ASAP!



Get Instant Access To Download This Free Ebook-Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Secret. Offer is 100% Free And It Cost No Money!

Contains: 532 pages

File size: 10mb

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